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Трансляция Дневник Новости проекта. Международные умные каникулы. По инициативе Госкорпорации «Росатом» 27 июля — 18 августа года реализуется проект «Международные умные каникулы».
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This is a very proud year for us as we celebrate years in business! Over that time we have experienced many economic changes, added and acquired banks, changed our name a few times, and have grown to nearly employees. Even with the abundance of change, our focus has been to serve Eastern South Dakota, and we look forward to continuing that tradition for the next years. David W. Johnson was attending graduate school in when his father, Walter, announced during the Fourth of July that he was going to sell the family bank in Estelline. But a short eight months later, David, who was only 23 at the time, found himself in charge of the bank when his father passed away suddenly at the age of